The Rockport Retreat House Survived!

Just to bring everyone up to date on the status of The Rockport Retreat House as I begin my third year as owner of the Retreat House! Hurricane Harvey huffed and puffed but he did NOT blow us down! A few minor repairs, some yard clean up and we will be open to provide fun Retreats to our Groups! Power is supposed to be restored on Friday, Sept. 8, 2017. We have already begun the process of clearing all the downed trees from the yard. I am having the water system and the roof inspected this week. As soon as I am sure there is no safety issue, our Retreats will continue as usual. I think we should be good by the end of next week. If this is not the case, I will contact those groups who have booked dates and we will offer new dates if you so choose!
I am working on making the Retreat House exactly what you want YOUR retreat house to be! We offered our first class on the Silhouette Cutting machine and it was a lot of fun back in July. We will be offering that class every six months. I have been making arrangements for hold a Cricut Cutting Machine class as well. There will be weekends for learning how to get started in beading, sewing, quilting, etc!! Barbara, who held classes at the Golden Needle Quilt Shop in Town has offered to hold classes at the Retreat House as well. Her "Flower Pillows" are soooooo gorgeous! I hope to take that particular class myself! Dates will be posted as we work out the details.
I will be opening a small shop inside the Retreat House. We will offer basic fabrics, patterns and notions so you can continue with your projects at 2 am even if you found you forgot to pack something! No space will be taken from the workroom, so don't worry!
I have purchased the fabric and will begin making quilts for each of the bedrooms. Each room has it's own theme. We have the Hummingbird Room, the Peacock Room, the Pink Flamingo Room and the Blue Heron Room. I hope to make the bedrooms more enjoyable for your stay with curtains, wall decor, amenities and so much more! I have so many dreams and ideas for the House based on suggestions from you, our guests!! We will have as many spontaneity dates as possible! Spontaneity Weekends have been a big hit this year and I will be offering more in the months to come!
Again, I want to emphasize, even with the devastation of Hurricane Harvey, there will be no rate increases during 2017. I am changing my minimum guest requirements. Sunday thru Thursday the minimum is 5 persons or $325.00 per night. Friday and Saturday nights have a minimum of 8 persons or $600.00 per night. If you choose to do so, I have no issue with fewer people, only please be aware the minimum monetary amount must be split between the number of guests present. This will insure the House stays self sufficient and I can continue to provide the service all our guests have come to expect and enjoy!
It is a pure joy to provide each and every group a relaxing place to enjoy your crafts, hobbies or simply find some relaxing time away from the hurried fast pace of everyday life. Please do not hesitate to pass along suggestions for things your would like to see at the Retreat House.